e_Series: The 3D Tank, 2002

title: Fig. 006 "e_Series: The 3D Tank"
material: JPEG size: a4 year: 2002

What: Organizing and designing the annual VIP network dinner on behalf of Platform GRAS (platform for Groningen, Architecture and Urbanism). Where: Ax710 has chosen the CAVE (Computer Assisted Virtual Environment) in Groningen. The CAVE is located in Zernikeborg, a new building with a special architecture (nicknamed the potato). Why: The assignment was to organize a dinner for all important relations of Platform GRAS.

During the dinner, the guests were taken in groups in the CAVE (Computer Assisted Virtual Environment), a room measured three by three meters with large video or projection screens on the walls, floor and ceiling. A heavy computer calculates images which are then projected onto the walls and floor. With special glasses, the visitor sees a three-dimensional image and sensors give the idea that the projected object is in space. You can walk around it and touch it. ax710 made 3D animations especially for this evening.

The dinner was put together in collaboration with cooking artist Elles Kiers. The dishes of the 10-course dinner were color-matched to the color scheme of ax710, which also emerged with each course in the table setting.

The ten color scheme is based on the added E numbers in our food:

#project #eseries #3D
